Tournament Etiquette
- In consideration of your opponent, please arrive promptly so that games can start on time.
- Bring your OWN chess set, clock, notation book and writing instrument. The club maintains only a few extras for emergency situations. It is not appropriate to rely on the club week after week to provide the supplies for your chess playing.
- Please be silent while others are playing as this is expected in every rated tournament. If you have completed your game and wish to discuss your match, please exit the tournament hall and speak at a low volume, so as not to disturb ongoing games.
- Be sure you have marked the results of your match before you leave for the evening.
- Put away the chair you have sat on, before you leave.
- Instruct your child to speak in whispers once the games have begun, so that they do not disturb other players.
- Make sure your child has a backup writing instrument. There are no pencil sharpeners at the club.
- If you have not bought chess equipment yet, you can easily get a full set from Some pro tips: 1) avoid getting a green chess bag as it will be harder to spot your own, and 2) consider investing in a FIDE-approved clock, if you think your child might play for a while, so that you don’t have to keep buying new clocks.
- Do not hover over your child when they are playing. If you want to watch their game, do so from a respectful distance, so as to not inadvertently disturb or intimidate their opponent.
- If you have a caretaker bringing your child(ren) to the game, please be sure they also know to put away your child(ren)’s chair(s) along with their own.